Team Members & Contact

We are a small, dynamic and hard working team composed of a number of enthusiastic people willing to spend our free time voluntarily starting up this project. Our team is currently looking for funds, donations and talented helping hands to bring the idea of PI into a functional, useful and secure platform. If you are interested, please contact us.

  • Christophe Billen
  • Dr. Yilin Huang
  • Ashraf Kheir
  • Ines Kuniko Mogami
  • Neera Mandavia
  • Julien Marillier

Christophe Billen is the Founder of PI. He is an Analyst with the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Previously he worked with the United Nations Mission in the D.R. Congo (MONUC), the Conflict Prevention Centre at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna, and with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Haiti. He participated in and led numerous field investigations and missions including in conflict zones. Christophe is PI‘s Project Manager. He looks at providing useful and accessible technologies to empower people in remote areas, combining his extensive experience in international affairs with his technological enthusiasm. More on LinkedIn


Yilin Huang is the Co-founder of PI and heads the ICT development of the PI platform. She is a Researcher at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM), working on enabling Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for social participation in Smart Power Grid. Yilin is an experienced Computer Scientist specialized in Modelling and Simulation (M&S), Data Analysis, and Automation. Her field of expertise also includes Distributed Systems and Embedded Systems. She has participated in a number of projects of complex systems design and development where interdisciplinary studies are required. More on LinkedIn


Ashraf Kheir is the Software Architect of the PI platform. He worked for 15 years in California, Eastern US, Sudan, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Ireland and Italy. His professional experiences range from designing computer chips at Silicon Valley start‐ups to large EU security projects. His fields of work include software or management systems for electronic design automation, networking, aviation, security, retail and media. Ashraf also worked as a volunteer for Save the Children (US) in the town of Showak in Eastern Sudan.


Ines Kuniko is a Programme Officer at PI, helping with funding strategies and public relations activities. She has experience in building stakeholder relationships, project finance and performing market research for a large multinational as well as grass root organizations.  In London, she worked as a financial coordinator for a large multinational arranging finances for sustainable development projects. She has also experience with the municipality of Amsterdam and the Dutch Red Cross. Her interested lays in the cooperation between the public and private industry. Ines lived in Japan, Spain and in the UK and enjoys working on social projects. She holds a BA in International Business Management and MA in Political Science, International Relations. More on LinkedIn


Neera Mandavia is a Programme Officer at PI, helping with funding strategies and public relations activities. She works for the Registry of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague as an Information Management Assistant. She is responsible for the drafting the annual budget; evaluating, advising and negotiating on  information management systems; managing document and information management activities and producing related reports. Neera previously worked at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the International Court of Justice and as a journalist for local newspapers. Neera holds a Master’s of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice and a B.A in Communications.


Julien Marillier is the Treasurer of PI. He works for the Registry of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague as a Field Strategic Planning Officer. In this capacity, he is responsible for analyzing trends, perceptions and impacts of the ICC in situation countries. He previously worked for Human Rights Watch (HRW) in Brussels on the campaign to prosecute the former President of Chad, Hissène Habré, accused of crimes against humanity, torture and war crimes. As a Project Coordinator with HRW, Julien led regular field missions to Chad and Senegal, ensuring the efficient implementation of projects in complex political environments. With PI Julien contributes to the project’s coordination and financial strategy.

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