26 Oct

Second workshop with FPU


After the first workshop in Geneva, we have been very busy documenting the results and preparing for the second workshop with FPU. The workshop will be kindly hosted by TU Delft in the coming week. Today we just finished drafting all the PI platform (PIP) features discussed during the Geneva workshop. It will be sent to FPU as reading materials in preparation for the Delft workshop.

At the moment, we listed over seventy features which cover categories such as data collection, source evaluation, data verification, information feedback, PIP output, data sharing, privacy and security. There are still two workshops ahead. We will need to (and have to) make feature reduction and prioritization in order to make a realistic and tangible plan to develop the platform.

The focus of the Delft workshop with FPU is to understand the potential of PI for information collection, evaluation and verification in journalism and media organizations. What PIP features do we need in such a setting? We will find out next week.

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