12 Jun

Partnership Agreement with FPU

FPU We have a number of good news this week. Besides getting our first grant from HIF we would also like to announce that we signed a partnership agreement with Free Press Unlimited (FPU), a non-profit media organization based in Amsterdam.

Free Press Unlimited works to ensure that reliable news and information are and remain available to people across the globe. Particularly people in countries where there is little to no press freedom. By supporting local media professionals and journalists, Free Press Unlimited helps to enable as many people as possible to gain and keep access to the information they require to survive and develop. Free Press Unlimited is active in more than 40 countries, in areas where we can make a difference. In these areas, Free Press Unlimited focuses on strengthening the capacity of local media professionals and media organisations. Together with these partners, we create room for people to speak freely, debate social issues and find out what is going on in their immediate environment.

PI does recognize the importance of media professionals to assist with the collection of relevant information and help with its verification. The media also plays an important empowerment role by bringing people’s issues on the agenda of those who can help remedy them. With PI we hope to provide local media professionals relevant information from hard-to-access areas which they can help relay and verify by means of their own network.

Together with FPU we will be applying for additional funds and work at the development of PI‘s technology. We’ll keep you updated about our progress.


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