31 Oct

The PI Demo is Online

Dear Friends of PI,

Over the last months, thanks to a USAID grant awarded to PI as one of the winners of the Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention co-sponsored by Humanity United we successfully developed a web based demo of some of the PI features. At this stage the demo is based on an incident report scenario. We invite you to visit our Demo page to access the demo and test out some of its features.

PI Demo

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26 Mar

Homepage Online Again

Dear all, after several days of down time, the PI homepage is online again. This time, we have completed its content and hopefully you can find all what you want to know about the project. We asked a professional to design a short introductory animation about the PI‘s concept. We are looking forward to it ;).

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01 Mar

We need you!

pi_logo_o Welcome to the homepage of PI. We are setting up this site trying to present you with accurate information of the project (still working on it ;). We are a small, dynamic and hard working team composed of a number of enthusiastic people willing to spend our free time voluntarily starting up this project. Our team is currently looking for funds and talented helping hands to bring the idea of PI into a functional, useful and secure platform. If you are interested, please drop us a message. Comments are of course welcome too.

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